Disclosure in accordance with § 25 of the Austrian Media Act:


Media owner:

Waagner-Biro Bridge Systems GmbH
Wipplingerstrasse 25
A-1010 Wien / Vienna
Österreich / Austria

T: +43/1/288 44 0


Commercial register number: FN 411187 m, Commercial Court of Vienna, Austria

Objects of the company: Bridge Construction, Infrastructure,

This website provides information about the business activities, services and product portfolio, as well as references, of the company Waagner-Biro Bridge Systems GmbH and its partner companies.

Please note the following legal information:

"This web site can contain information concerning other property rights and copyrights which must be noted and observed. This applies in particular to logos, pictures, sound files and videos. The downloading, printing and storage of files from this web site is permitted for exclusively private purposes. Any other use requires the explicit permission of Waagner Biro Bridge Systems GmbH. Waagner Biro Bridge Systems GmbH accepts no responsibility for data loss or other technical damage which may result from the examination or downloading of data from this web site. Waagner-Biro Bridge Systems GmbH accepts no responsibility for the content of other web sites for which links exist."